Streamline your mental health practice with billing automation. Learn to choose the right EHR, verify insurance eligibility, automate claims, and reduce errors while focusing on client care.
Address key private practice questions: from AI in EHRs and insurance paneling to liability coverage and staying happy in your career. Learn from therapist insights and experiences.
Stay informed and supported in private practice with tips on building peer networks, joining consultation groups, leveraging Facebook communities, and connecting with professional organizations.
Navigate the business side of private practice with tips on paying taxes, market research, branding, and bookkeeping. Learn practical tools and resources from experienced therapists.
Considering Alma, Headway, or going independent? Explore the pros, cons, and trade-offs of mental health platforms versus private practice, with insights from experienced therapists.
Deciding between insurance and private pay? Explore therapist insights on balancing financial needs, client accessibility, and niche populations, plus tips for credentialing and billing in private practice.
Starting a private practice? Learn key advice from therapists who’ve been there—flexibility, entrepreneurial mindset, and knowing when to say no.
Discover firsthand insights from clinicians on building a private practice: navigating insurance, choosing private pay, and using tools like Owl Practice and Zencare to streamline and grow your practice effectively.
Thinking of building a therapy group practice? Here are 10 reasons why you should get started.
Whether you’re considering starting a therapy group practice or just curious about how much work it would be, we’ve collected our top 7 reasons why starting a group practice might not be for you.