Marketing Your Practice
3 Helpful Things to Keep in Mind to Turn Referrals into Clients
As a helping professional – especially if you’re in private practice – making the initial contact count is one of most important aspects of your practice’s survival. Todd Schmenk, LMHC, shares three important elements to consider when preparing for an initial call with potential clients.
10 Free Marketing Strategies for Therapists
10 of our top-recommended free marketing strategies – they're all relatively easy, super effective, and best of all, the only thing they’ll cost you is time.
5 Email Templates You Need for Your Private Practice – And Why to Use Them
As a therapist in private practice, you have so many different priorities competing for your time. To increase your work efficiency, borrow a secret from the customer support world: email templates!
Get More Clients Online: 5 Steps to a Better Therapist Directory Profile
Concrete strategies to make sure your online therapist directory profiles are working as hard as you are!
How To Use Social Media to Grow Your Therapy Practice: Considerations & Practical Tips
As a therapist, here are pros and cons you might consider as you decide whether social media is right for your private practice.
What’s the Best Private Practice Marketing Tool? A Comparison of 8 Therapist Directories
We’ve collected information about 8 leading therapist directories and private practice marketing tools so you make the best decision for your practice.
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11 Ways to Get More Therapy Clients in Private Practice
Extra space in your schedule has financial implications for your business. This can lead to stress and even burnout. If your caseload is lighter than you would like, how can you get more therapy clients in your private practice?
How to Automate Your Private Practice Marketing
Private practice marketing isn’t often taught in Master’s level or Doctoral level programs, despite the huge impact it can have on practice success. Here are a few ways to leverage automated processes in your private practice marketing.
Social Media Marketing for Therapists Part 1 — TikTok Marketing
This is the first of three blogs focusing on how social media is an effective marketing strategy for therapists and how it can lead to a thriving practice — so stay tuned!